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Don’t be a ghoul, Help Me Find A Newell

Greetings one and all,

I’ve been getting my ducks in order towards the purchase of a Newell. The primary websites I’ve been using are;

Luxury Motorhome Sales

Motorhomes of Texas:


RV Trader:

Legacy Coach:

Panterra Luxury Coaches:

Any websites you guys know of that you feel would be helpful I would appreciate you passing it along.

Also, If you know of any reputable site where you can tell them what you’re looking for and they’ll let you know when they have it / find it. That could be a very good thing!

Does anyone have an idea how long it takes by average to sell a 45’ DP and/or a Newell specifically? I doubt you do but just thought I'd ask, you guys have spoiled me here. There just isn't much you don't know!

Thanks guys,


Of course if you were looking for a slightly newer coach:

and of course don't forget the Coaches for Sale section of

Michael Day
1992 Newell 43.5' #281


2001 Newell #579
tow a Honda Odyssey
fun car: 1935 Mercedes 500K replica

Steve Magown
Calhoun, LA
2001 Prevost H3 Vantare
formerly Newell #458

some people will only buy from a dealer, some from private parties or some both. i will only buy from private parties for a number of reasons.

i think a better question than how long does it take to sell a coach is how long all of us looked for our coaches. if you know what you are looking for and what you are willing to pay, then it is just a consistent search with patience. the right one will show itself.

keeping track of the ones that you are interested in and how long they have been for sale along with price drops will help you build your own database.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Not knowing anymore than I do I would look for both dealer and private parties. Are there specific places to go for private sales?

Having bought Tom's coach 1.5 yrs ago I would tell you that knowing what you want and then knowing what you are willing to spend is paramount. Once seeing an ad for a coach find out if any of the Guru's live in the area and know anything about the coach or would do a cursory look for you...I know that I followed the forum for several months and bought Tom's coach based on every guru's post regarding the coach...a leap of faith but when you get to know these guys you realize they are passionate, knowledgeable, trustworthy, and most of all honorable...I have truly gained a fantastic group of friends during the last two rallies and they have helped me understand systems and repairs... Dealers rarely have the knowledge that the guru's do and show it when talking about a Newell.

Just my opinion and not worth a nickel.


2003 Ford F250 SD
2001 Honda Civic
2005 Chrysler Crossfire Roadster LT

I think it is worth a lot

Thanks Bill


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Having purchased my first Newell from a forum member as well; I will speak to my experience.
I will not buy from a dealer other than at the Newell Mothership Miami, OK, other dealers I considered/shopped seemed to have motives/obligations that didn't align with myself/customers.
Mostly dealers can never know the coach like the owner...for a noobie that knowledge is important so that I can determine if the current condition/needs of the coach are a match for my skills/budget/usage. I aspire to one day, to go to Newell and buy a later model and then enjoy their 2 year warranty/service. :-)
Not saying I captured/received all...but Ron and I chat (when he has signal in mtns...Lol) and he is always willing to help...and for no other reason than he is a 'good guy'...he isn't thinking about future profits/commissions/references/branding...he is afflicted/gifted with the Newell lifestyle...he is a Guru, just like the others on this forum...

1996 Coach #422 Fulltiming

Don't rule out Craigslist.......that is where I found my 1982 Newell, and my enclosed car hauler trailer. I had been looking for a class A diesel pusher for over a year when the 1982 Newell came up. Before even buying it I joined the NewellClassic website where I met most of these amazing guys. Since then this same group migrated to Newell Gurus. I agree with all the other suggestions. Of course, if you are looking for a late model Newell the odds of finding one of them on Craigslist is not high, but Classics appear on a regular basis around the country.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

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