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trying to find out why my coach sags on the drivers side

if you make one of these jigs, make sure you dont just copy mine. i have 3/8" lines coming off the back of the 6 pack and steve bare said he had 1/4" lines. so, each one may be different.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH



Can you say again if you are in Auto-level mode? I would think that the air compressor would kick on and do what ever it had to do to keep you level.


Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

i am not in autolevel mode.

btw, the algorithm that is in mine first lowers the coach on the high side to level. not until lowering twice if i recall does it level does it take air to raise it.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Did I miss something, or did you determine that the pass side droping is due to air loss on that side?

1991 41.5' #266

gordon, you didnt miss anything. i have kept a log of results, but they are a little puzzeling. however, it is clear i have a leak up front on the drivers side as well.

i am going to modify my test rig (i already have the stuff, so wont be doing the water rig like russ said).


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


(03-25-2013, 01:08 PM)encantotom Wrote:  gordon, you didnt miss anything. i have kept a log of results, but they are a little puzzeling. however, it is clear i have a leak up front on the drivers side as well.

i am going to modify my test rig (i already have the stuff, so wont be doing the water rig like russ said).


"clear i have a leak up front on the drivers side as well" AS WELL AS WHAT?

I'm not yelling, just to show the difference of my questions to your statements.

1991 41.5' #266

hi gordon,

i dont have any data that makes enough sense to me to post other than i know that the front drivers side is sagging more than the other 3 sides.

the water rig is the test jig that russ suggested to make.

i have to regroup and figure out what i am doing.

and i only have so much time each day to give to this. and it takes over night to see results each time.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Tom, When i took possession of my 2000, it sagged badly on the drivers side. The air springs were leaking , when sprayed with leak detect fluid they would look to be covered with shave cream. After replacing the whole lot, the sagging continued but not as badly. I found the #12 line from the driver side front spring (or bags) was connected to the ballast tank between the frame rails and the tank had a 3/4" weld fitting into which a 3/4 X 1/2 brass bushing was installed. The #12 line used a fllare X 1/2" 90 degree fitting. The bushing was cracked. The bad part is , it is very difficult to gain access and I had to fabricate special tooling to turn the fitting. It was a two day process!!

I know this may not be the problem with yours but the story may be interesting to others!!


Gordon Jones

Good reminder Gordon that some very small, un thought of things can cause issues. I know how hard access is to those front tanks as I can barely reach them to drain them, so I salute you for a job well done.Big Grin

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

i built another of the test rigs this time with two gauges. in my latest set of data, the drivers side front is dropping the most. passenger side stays steady, except the front drops a little, which i suspect is from the drivers side front dropping alot. the front drivers side drops about 2 inches in 24-30 hours.

but.....the air line on the back of the front manifold is VERY hard to get at. so, i took the easy way out for first try. i changed the drivers side RAISE solenoid. i had a few spares and thought i would try it as it is easy. if the side is sagging and it happens to be a solenoid, is it normally the RAISE or LOWER solenoid?

i have sprayed the underside of the coach multiple times and checked the airbags on the front and have seen nothing.

i will find it. if the solenoid doesnt do it, i will probably change the LOWER one and if not that, i will take the time to put the test rig on.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


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