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Looking at 1998 Newells

(09-06-2015, 02:44 PM)rheavn Wrote:  Chappell,
It is a DD thing.  Newell reprogrammed mine, but some one said they no longer will.  Any DD shop can do it.  They just fed into the port by the steering column.
Too bad we can't do it our self with silver leaf.  Sorry to hear about your bad luck with the tire.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

We are going to be looking at another coach this weekend in Kansas. Looks pretty nice, dual slide.
We may be joining the Newell owners sooner than I thought... will let you know soon...

Karen & Adrian Abshire 
1998 2 slide 45' Newell Coach 498 
Prior: 1985 Foretravel ORED 35, 1988 38' Foretravel U280, 2000 Foretravel 42' U320, 1990 Bluebird Wanderlodge WB40

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