08-13-2013, 08:42 AM
Rather than a 'pressure combining' problem, the downside of using the Headhunter in conjunction with city water is the flow capability of the Headhunter. Many RV Parks run VERY HIGH pressure to make up for inadequate flow. Headhunter recommends solid suction pipe rather than flexible suction pipe. If the RV Park has inadequate flow, it would be easy for the Headhunter to pull a suction and collapse the water hose connecting the water bib to the coach. Add an inline filter, which Headhunter cautions against, and you have a recipe for problems. The Headhunter has a maximum pressure shut off of 67 psi but at a discharge pressure of 30 psi it will pump 16 gallons per minute. I have been in RV parks that didn't flow 16 gpm from the faucet.