12-09-2023, 09:02 AM
I purchased a spare compressor on eBay just in case something ever happens to my Junair oil type compressor. I paid $112 and it was free shipping so it was a no brainier. My unit is 220vac and located where the inverter heat pumps are located in the basement air compartment. After taking it apart to look at all the goodies I seen a lot that I was impressed with, the flywheel is off center to make the compressor almost vibration free and with the rubber feet it seems to be a solid unit. It puts out more cfm than the oil unit but not as quite but after installing the intake filter and putting a line on the output side it got to a pleasant hum but not dead silent. It is very small in size and heavy. For those of you looking for a cheap alternative I would recommend this unit. I think they come in 120v also but more expensive.
1999 45' #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon