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Drier air blow off deflector

I just replaced my drier because it had a few issues (leaky seal, and sometimes sticking blow-off system) from was original.

The unit that I had and purchased was a WABCO 1200 to make installation easy.  The new unit seems to blow off much more air than my old one.  I am guessing that the old unit was semi-plugged.  

The amount of dust that blew off of my driveway was insane! It got me thinking of making some sort of deflector as I do stop in dirty/sandy areas often.  

I happened upon a website of a guy who makes them (  Seems like an easy item that will help with reducing the dust bowl when pressure blow off happens.

Messages In This Thread
Drier air blow off deflector - by Gnawrocki1 - 11-10-2023, 01:57 PM
RE: Drier air blow off deflector - by hypoxia - 11-10-2023, 05:12 PM
RE: Drier air blow off deflector - by Gnawrocki1 - 11-15-2023, 09:16 AM

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