04-02-2013, 05:33 AM
Would you post some pictures of the new heater after the install? I went with a Cadet replacement but had to open the hole a little and would rather not in the bathroom & living area. Also we have one in the tank bay and you may as well.
1st I would not travel without a Carbon Monoxide Detector and Smoke Alarm.
You should have a LPG Detector at the LPG Switch (ours is under the refrigerator). The original for our '82 was bad so I replaced it when we got the coach.
Would you post some pictures of the new heater after the install? I went with a Cadet replacement but had to open the hole a little and would rather not in the bathroom & living area. Also we have one in the tank bay and you may as well.
1st I would not travel without a Carbon Monoxide Detector and Smoke Alarm.
You should have a LPG Detector at the LPG Switch (ours is under the refrigerator). The original for our '82 was bad so I replaced it when we got the coach.
Steve & Patti, Bonnie and Tucker
1982 Newell 38' Classic, DD 6V92
cocktails for as many will fit in the site, dinner for as many can sit at the pick-nick table and sleeps 2 since I fixed the couch