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Allison economy mode?


I always drove in ECO mode with my Newell and now also with my Foretravel U320 3823 with the M11 500 hp and 1550 lb/ft. The Foretravel with its power to weight ration drives like a car up and down the hills. Next week we will be heading west on 70 out of Denver to California and then back to Texas by the end of this month. We will see how it does in ECO mode over the mountains vs just hills. Hope you continue to have an awesome time on your Alaskan dream trip!


Oscar & Janet Valent
Part timing
2024 Grech RV Strada-ion Tour AWD
2004 Foretravel U320 3820 PBBS - Sold
2007 Newell Coach #815 - Great Coach Sold

Messages In This Thread
Allison economy mode? - by folivier - 06-09-2019, 06:11 AM
RE: Allison economy mode? - by Richard - 06-09-2019, 09:35 AM
RE: Allison economy mode? - by valento - 06-09-2019, 04:52 PM

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