05-17-2019, 04:48 AM
This is absolutely awesome!
I am continually amazed at the knowledge, the curiosity and the generosity of the world of gurus.
If Richard’s solution holds together, it will be a boon to all the folks that have SCS basement air conditioners. (For those that have not heard, the boards are a known source of failure...lookup the threads on “external relays”)
Ron, I’m glad the board is working. Please keep us posted!
I am continually amazed at the knowledge, the curiosity and the generosity of the world of gurus.
If Richard’s solution holds together, it will be a boon to all the folks that have SCS basement air conditioners. (For those that have not heard, the boards are a known source of failure...lookup the threads on “external relays”)
Ron, I’m glad the board is working. Please keep us posted!
Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama