08-21-2018, 09:39 AM
Reviving this thread since I never got the board replaced - should I bother rebuilding (or buying) the circuit board for the Todd mfg ATS or should I just buy a new model from Newell or some other supplier? The board is very difficult to get to and connect up. Newell indicated that the new ATS is a 3 wire connection so it’s easy to connect up... any suggestions? BTW, I did replace the contactor switch on the shore power said and it works fine. The circuit board controls the switching to the Gen side.
Karen & Adrian Abshire
1998 2 slide 45' Newell Coach 498
Prior: 1985 Foretravel ORED 35, 1988 38' Foretravel U280, 2000 Foretravel 42' U320, 1990 Bluebird Wanderlodge WB40