04-06-2016, 02:49 PM
A new set of issues! I noticed my engine battery voltage low and checked the belts, they were loose. On 567, there are two "A" belts driving the AC compressor and the alternator from the accessory drive on the series 60. The alternator is a Penntex 3S-285 and the regulator in the electrical compartment. The alternator output is routed directly to the battery isolator center post. I checked the voltage on the engine batteries without engine (bottom isolator stud in this case) and the "ECHO" charger was doing it's job keeping them at 12.82V. With the engine running, the voltage went down to 12.18V telling me "NO OUTPUT". Next I full fielded the alternator (F or blue wire with the plug disconnected from the regulator) jumped to +12V..........ZIP nothing. Next was removal of the alternator and I found the orange wire (stator tap) broken from the terminal. I thought for a moment this is it, easy fix, but then my inner peace wasn't satisfied. I was sure one of the brushes had expired so off came the brush cover and they were fine. The rotor slip rings looked pretty bad so I used scotchbrite on a dowel and cleaned them bright and shinny, put the brushes back in but no rotor resistance (should be around 10 ohms). By now I realized this wasn't an easy fix so i split the case and removed the rotor and found the bobbin the rotor wire is wound on loose and had been moving enough to break the wires from the slip rings. Solder came to mind but then how to keep the bobbin from moving and the thought of trying to work on this at someplace I've traveled to for relaxation overcame my "i can fix this and save some money" reluctance to buy a new one, they're about $140. Next came the front case removal from the rotor shaft, it was not wanting to come out and finally had to resort to light hydraulic pressure. This pushed the bearing out of the cover destroying the bearing retainer and stripping two of the four hold down bolts from the aluminum case. Re-tapped the two holes deeper and with longer caps screws, things will be fine. All the parts will be here tomorrow, assembly and re-install following.
Seems like it's always something but I do love overcoming these little problems. Rotor picture attached, kind of hard to see the broken wires.
Seems like it's always something but I do love overcoming these little problems. Rotor picture attached, kind of hard to see the broken wires.
Gordon Jones