07-05-2014, 01:43 PM
We are really impressed with the various technical replies to any and all subjects. I've tried just about any and all the various 3" standard sewer fittings noted on this forum and in the RV industry and still have eventual drips here and there.http://newellgurus.com/images/smilies/blush.gif Having worked in the fossil power and environmental industries for 35 years, I remember there was a lot of use of the camlock type connectors and they never seem to leak no matter what you put through them. I'm seriously thinking of using them on our sewer connections and was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with them.http://newellgurus.com/images/smilies/huh.gif
Thanks in advance for a great forum
Thanks in advance for a great forum
Ki and Wyn Punilei
"Have Newell Will Travel"
'81 Newell "Winter Demo", 40', 6V92TA
'11 Honda CR-V
"Squeak the Feline Princess"