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Tankage Compartment temp sensor

I have a 2004 coach # 695.  Can anyone tell me where the tankage compartment temperature sensor is located?  The temp display on the galley display is showing 33 degrees F, but I have a remote sensor that shows it's 56 F.  My remote sensor is right near the main water pump.
It's currently 25 F outside and dropping to about 20 tonight, and it's windy.  If I need to stick an electric heating fan downstairs, where should I put it?
When I go down there it seems kind of warm compared to outside, even in the forward bays. 
The 33 F is causing me concern.

2004 Newell #695
Series 60
Quad slide front entry

Trust the remote.

Turn on the bay heaters. Look for simple thermostats in the water and/or Aquahot bay.

I assuming you are running Aquahot for coach heat. That alone will keep the bays from freezing in an over nite situation.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Thanks Richard.

It was down to 18F and it seems like my 12 volt and 120 volt compressors stopped. Maybe something froze down there. I had turned on the generator hoping to generate heat from every source available.

My rear toilet also wouldn't operate with water this morning. Once I took a shower it had water again.

My other [cold weather] issue is that the bedroom vent is warm, but not blowing air. I need to find the blower and see what the deal is there.

Also, the toe-kick vent under the passenger side desk isn't blowing even though the thermostat is clicking on.

2004 Newell #695
Series 60
Quad slide front entry

Ok, when were the air tanks drained last?

On the non blowing fans, you have some detective work ahead of you.

I would start with the easiest to check. Look for fuses on the Aquahot.

Second, on the bedroom, some Newells (like mine) have a bit of thermostat trickery that you may be dealing with. I have a thermostat for the bedroom and a separate one for the rear bath. The one for the bedroom is integrated into the AC/Heat tstat. The one for the bathroom is a basic analog rotary dial Honeywell. The trickery is that either thermostat will trigger the circulation loop for hot coolant from the AH. So that if the bathroom tstat calls for heat, the heat exchanger for the bedroom will get warm but the fan will not come on UNLESS the bedroom tstat is set for heat. Yours may be different.

Have you located the thermostats for the bay heaters?

Are you plugged in? Or boondocking?

Are you running the AH on electric or diesel? Anything below 40 outside, and the AH must be on diesel. The electric will not keep up.

Some of us use that big round wheel in front of the drivers seat to change the outside temperature. Just sayin………till you get your heat issues noodled out.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the advice.

Draining the tanks...ha...yeah, I have to do that.  The coach is new to me so I am still learning, and I don't even know where all the tanks are!  Seems like they are scattered everywhere.

I checked all the fuses in the bathroom closet and all is good there.  I'll check the others when I go back to the coach later today.  Hopefully the driver's side steer and drive airbags are getting changed today [poor tech has to do it outside].  I'm living in the shop's parking lot.  The airbag story is a saga of it's own, and it is not flattering for Newell [flat-out lied to us and cost me a week and a big overnight shipping bill]

Sounds like my thermostat arrangement is the same as yours.  I have the bathroom thermostat on and it is clearly working.  At the galley I have the furnaces 1 and 3 running, As I understand it, zone 3 is the bedroom...right.  When the furnace is running I don't get the option of a fan speed.

I have the bay heater thermostats on and they are working.  I have to re-check the passenger side, but I am going to Home Depot to get one or two back-ups little heaters just in case.

I am plugged in to 50 amp, but last night I ran the generator too hoping it would provide some heat around the air compressors and also not draw too from the shop since I turned on every heat source I could find.

The AH is on electric and diesel, I thought it would default to diesel when both are that correct?

I really wish I could just check-out and head south and away from work with my better half.  Unfortunately, I also have a leaking radiator.   Confused  Oh - and intercooler. Angry

I was warned by all of you it that these things are work.  I just didn't plan on so much work right away.

Just keep swimming...right.

2004 Newell #695
Series 60
Quad slide front entry

David, when you get time you'll really enjoy these videos that Richard and Steve put together on the basics of our air systems along with leak detection.

Make sure you watch them in order. Depending on what device you're watching on it can be hard to find the labels for order. You should be able to see Part 1, Part 2, etc.

Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO

Thanks Brad...I've been watching already...and like a nerd, taking notes along the way.

Thanks for that link. It's nice to have them all in one place.

2004 Newell #695
Series 60
Quad slide front entry

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