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Coolant-Detroit Diesel Series 60

I just changed over to Final Charge OAT coolant based on this thread, and the fact that the dealer couldn't confirm what they put into the coach in 2018 when they installed a new radiator. From a preventive maintenance perspective, should I put a coolant filter change interval on my calendar? While I know that the filter is "blank," I assume that means blank from a chemical perspective and not from a filtering perspective. As such, I was thinking of replacing the filter (I only noticed 1) annually, perhaps?

2002 Prevost Liberty XLII, Series 60
IG: @thisisbobalou

How long do you think the current filter has been installed? It would be interesting to know and would possibly answer your question.....when you do change the filter cut it open to see what's been trapped during its tenure.

Steve & Doris Denton
45' Newell #525, Bath & Half....sold
37' Country Coach, Tribute....Cat C9, 400 hp
2014 Honda CRV Toad
Summerfield, FL

It was probably there since mid-2018, but it's long gone as they did the flush/new coolant & filter on May 24.

2002 Prevost Liberty XLII, Series 60
IG: @thisisbobalou

I think the filter is not to filter anything out but to add SCA additives to the coolant. Depending on which coolant you use it could be different or even a blank filter.

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

Watch out if you take your rig in for pm at Newell and your running an OAT coolant. Couple months ago they spun on an SCA release filter forcing me to drain my 2 month old OAT coolant. When i asked why they would not use a blank filter with an OAT coolant they point blank stated that have never used a blank coolant filter on any rig going through a pm at the factory and only use SCA filters on ALL DD60s no matter the coolant type. I was shocked.

Jesse coach #582

To close the loop on my "blank" OAT coolant filter question, above, I spoke to a seated coach operator, today. The filter used for OAT coolant does have filtering media in it. They change them at 100K miles. What I didn't realize was that the filters used for SCA coolants don't actually filter, rather, they have layers that dissolve once the levels in the coolant drop and, thereby, release the next batch of chemical. All you gurus probably knew this, already, but in case there's a wannabeguru, like me, reading...

Anywho, thanks for the thread.

2002 Prevost Liberty XLII, Series 60
IG: @thisisbobalou

 What part number blank filter did you use?

Steve & Doris Denton
45' Newell #525, Bath & Half....sold
37' Country Coach, Tribute....Cat C9, 400 hp
2014 Honda CRV Toad
Summerfield, FL

Steve, i used a NAPA part number 4083 as the blank coolant filter with my final charge OAT on my DDS60. Getting it off Amazon saves you alot- 43 bucks vs 100 bucks in store.

Jesse White Newell Coach #582

I use a Fleetguard filter #WF2077.

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

steve, i see filterbarn has closed. what is your source now that they are gone. they were amazing


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


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