Reference Catalogs -
Richard - 11-23-2022
I have found some catalogs that over the years are very informative resources for exposing me to either “that’s how they do that” or “oh, that’s a part I didn’t know existed”. I find that reading some of the catalogs is extremely educational when it comes to techie stuff. Now, I am not dissing YouTube or internet search engines, but there is something about old school in print that I retain better. Most of these catalogs stay in the “library”. You may have to pay a bit for one or two, but here is my list of go to reference materials. I am sure you have yours, and I would love to hear of them. I may just use the catalog to learn the name of what I am looking for, and then utilize a search engine. Or in the case of McMaster, pay the premium price for a quality part and quick reliable shipping.
McMaster Carr
Jamestown Distributors
Less used but useful nonetheless.
Summit Racing
West Marine
RE: Reference Catalogs -
smagown - 11-23-2022
Here is a site I use, I don't think they have a catalog, but I get my DOT air hose and fittings from them. They also make custom hydraulic hoses and ship them to you. The technical information is a great resource.
RE: Reference Catalogs -
kaptain - 11-23-2022
Thanks, Richard.
Here is a shared folder containing several (text searchable PDF) catalogs from:
McMaster Carr
Files sizes are too big to upload here, the total size is approximately 1 gig, feel free to download or copy to your cloud drive.