Slightly high AC - dkarb - 09-29-2016
We get an error code on our Norcold refrigerator stating "HI AC" whenever we are plugged into our 50amp shore power at home. This code does not come on when using the generator. I know that the refrigerator code is set to come on when AC is higher than 132V. I measured our shore power at the outlet at 133.8V. Is 1.8V over the normal accepted AC voltage range going to damage our appliances over time? If so, could anything be done to lower the voltage coming from the 50amp outlet? I always use a surge protector.
RE: Slightly high AC -
RussWhite - 09-29-2016
Hi Dave and Tish,
Personally I would not be very concerned.
First, everything in your home is seeing the same voltage. In general, too high is better than too low.
Most utilities would be glad to come to your home ( no charge ) and test the voltage and if too high make an adjustment at their transformer.
Russ - EE
RE: Slightly high AC - dkarb - 09-29-2016
OK, we'll have them come out and check it just to make sure. Thanks Russ!
RE: Slightly high AC -
encantotom - 09-29-2016
our previous house in mesa was the same way.....electric motors like it, incandescent light bulbs do not....ha
like russ said, i wouldnt be concerned about it