aqua hot -
mnhoff - 09-28-2014
My aqua hot went down on the diesel side this am. Appears I have bad bearings or the motor is fatiqued. It is now just blowing fuses. could any one give me a direction on where to purchase parts for a model 431. 95 Newell #372.
RE: aqua hot -
lbrachfe - 09-28-2014
PM "Trainer"
RE: aqua hot -
folivier - 09-29-2014
Roger Berke is a great place for advice and parts:
And Rudy "Trainer" will help you diagnose the problem and if near can do any repairs.
RE: aqua hot -
Trainer - 09-29-2014
Call me (713 8 one 8 3 two 34) and we will get you going fixing this.
Also, for a flat fee of $200 including shipping plus parts, Roger Berke will fix the burner. Ship him the burner and silver control unit box.
Hope this helps.