RE: November 2023 Outages -
[email protected] - 11-06-2023
Excellent, thanks for keeping the computers wheels greased so that we can keep our Newells rolling. My freind in France will be happy to know he can access the site!
RE: November 2023 Outages -
encantotom - 11-06-2023
i appreciated all the calls, texts, IM,s etc letting me know of the problems everyone was having. i was offline mostly at the nascar infinity championship race in phoenix.
scott was able to identify the problem and after a few rounds of fixes, got it done quickly.
for those of you who are new, scott is my son and has been the main adminstrator dealing with the servers etc since we started newellgurus in 2012. he is also a major in the usaf and dad to 2 great kids. and husband to my favorite daughter in law shelby....
RE: November 2023 Outages -
360 - 11-07-2023
Thanks a bunch Scott!